Friday, June 12, 2015

US Army Total Leadership: The Human Side of Leadership, Often Overlooked

US ARMY “Total Leadership: Post OIF

(The Human Side of Leadership, Often Overlooked)

11 JUNE 2015
                                   Photo Courtesy of Infantry Magazine: Ft Benning, Georgia

“Admittedly, the service was never perfect; no human institution having power over men can ever be.” ~ Leonidas Musashi (ref: A T.R. Farenbach Remix)

The key word that should come to the mind of leaders with serious consideration is “human”. Generally, the Army and other branches of military service tend well to physical human needs required for an army to function. Though some medical needs for older seasoned Soldiers could stand to improve, over all, Soldiers are well taken care of.  However, to what extent do leaders view human needs? Human needs extend to a further degree than what is outlined in any leadership manual within any branch of service. The American society even plays a role. Whether intentional or not, leaders as a whole are failing the human side of leading Soldiers if not viewed conceptually. If you’re a leader within our ranks in the Army, you should not be here for a “career” or to “advance yourself”. Don’t get me wrong, improving yourself and advancement up through the ranks is needed and required, but the attitude of individual leaders with regard to how they prioritize what is important is the very beginning of possessing genuine character as a leader. Or not.

Military branches are failing with some aspects of the human side of leadership because we’re not thinking about human needs in a “holistic” way. Yet, it’s not solely the fault of military leaders. Society has rendered more than one generation of young Americans, the characters of whom are not fit to allow these young citizens to serve unless first broken down. Some have been dubbed the “entitled generation”; citizens whom think that everything should be given to them without their first having to work for it. A selfish generation. Self-focused character will cause decay within the ranks of our military branches and even our halls of state and federal government. Presently, some of these young citizens serve within our ranks and many are also in leadership positions and still yet they are not good leaders or leaders at all due to their character which, in turn, “is what it is” because of their upbringing and the Army’s willingness to give in to political pressure regarding how ours ranks produce warfighters. We’re producing soft Soldiers because of political correctness.

“There is much to military training that seems childish, stultifying, and even brutal. But one essential part of breaking men into military life is the removal of misfits – and in the service a man is a misfit who cannot obey orders, any orders, and who cannot stand immense and searing mental and physical pressure”. ~ T. R Fehrenbach

Now, the term “misfit” is a relatively loose one and includes individuals whom have an “entitled” view or perspective because they will think of “self” first before those to their left and right. How will they follow orders efficiently when their mindset is on themselves?

Additionally, the “entitled” personality must be broken down and removed before they can be true Soldiers. There are two initial ingredients required for forging Soldiers: “Searing mental and physical pressure”. When developing Soldiers these two forms of pressure are human needs. Albeit they are harsh needs, it is still required nonetheless to make them strong physically and mentally.  What they face when arms are taken up in war will be far more challenging physically and mentally. That being said, we as an Army have mostly removed these two forms of pressure during basic training, again, due to political correctness and pressure dubbing these physical and mental pressures as “maltreatment” and “inhuman”. On the contrary, when Soldiers are “corrected” for not working together or keeping track of the actions of one another, they start checking each other more often because they do not want to be victim of  harsh physical, yet not inhuman, corrective training. This is the first building block of change within the character of an IET Soldier that starts to put aside “self” and adjusts their individual perspective into one of looking out for their brothers. In so doing, each Soldier looks out for one another and the welfare of the group as a “whole”. These two forms of pressure will not kill them. It’s also the first stages of cohesion that will allow them to continue to unconsciously check one another a year or so from now when they may be operating in a conflict.

 Many of my peers whom served as Drill Instructors have all said that their hands were tied when developing IET Soldiers with regard to physical and mental pressure in the form of corrective training for Soldiers not working together. They simply must follow orders and now we as an Army are at risk of creating weak Soldiers. This is a problem that can only be fixed by higher Army Command Leaders having the intestinal fortitude to turn a cold shoulder to political correctness and ideology and allow Soldiers to be forged with physical and mental pressure.

“-the liberal society, in it’s heart, wants not only domination of the military, but acquiescence of the military to the liberal view of life. – But acquiescence society may not have, if it wants an army worth a damn. By the very nature of it’s mission, the military must maintain an illiberal view of life and the world. Society’s purpose is to live; the military’s is to stand ready, if need be, to die. Soldiers are rarely fit to rule – but they must be fit to fight.” ~ T. R. Farenbach

War will present itself and with it the need to kill. Only hardened men can kill.  Good Soldiers will also die.  It’s not a “casual” event. It’s very violent, filthy and dirty. Perhaps even barbaric. Raw humanity will start to show through, both in the form of the violence that is required to kill to protect one another and the outer edges of the human soul that can be seen when Soldiers stand together in this violence and completely give of themselves to the welfare of one another.

Additionally, elected officials have also meddled with the branches of service with regard to how rank and file Warfighters are formed. As if somehow the time tested methods for forging men into fighters has been wrong all of this time.

They deprive leaders from their ability to form effective fighters by not allowing leaders to break down and build up solid warfighters. It’s a necessary harsh human need that is required to build men at the most initial levels of becoming a Soldier.

The environment of war will demand that Soldiers be trained this way. Any other “soft” forms of training Soldiers is simple weakness and creates an attitude that it’s ok to send unfit, unprepared Soldiers to their deaths. Hardening a human being to kill is more essential than all of the latest technology.

Most of us simply view human needs as food, water, and necessities with a little highlight on spiritual needs. Still yet the latter of these needs is scrutinized by the upper echelons of Command due to pressure from respective elected individuals, liberal or otherwise, who want the military to conform to their ideological view. This is very true in today’s government and within military ranks to a point where there is a visible imbalance. Certain faiths are accommodated by both the federal government and the military with regard to grooming standards and time allowed for open public prayer within places of federal work places, for example. However, Christian faiths must conform and only allowed prayer within the confines of the Chaplain’s office or when a Chaplain is present at certain functions. And even then a few Chaplains are hassled by those in higher ranks or elected officials placing pressure on the higher military ranks for allowing prayer. Spiritual needs are also part of a Soldiers character. Soldiers, even the lowest rank, will see this imbalance within the ranks of our Army today and regardless if they have a faith or not, they will start to view this practice of imbalance as bias. This will cause doubt within their minds.  Then a lack of trust in their leaders will develop.

Soldiers must trust their leaders. Again you cannot be “political” when training and leading Soldiers. Leaders must only be “human” and fair on an equal scale across the ranks. Presently, we have failed as leaders with regard to this human need as it can be seen plainly with the visible imbalance regarding faith.

Soldier’s Issues/Problems and Human Needs:  Human needs go much further than basic needs and leaders need to be acutely aware of this. Leading Soldiers in its most raw form will require of leaders to first be fully attentive of all human needs, some of which are harsh as I spoke of in the paragraphs above, but necessary given the requirements to lead human beings in warfare.

Soldier’s problems and life issues: Resolution of both are human needs. Often, it’s overlooked by leaders because they’re unaware of the extent of their duties, simply neglect addressing the problem, thinking the Soldier is responsible, and lastly, concern that addressing the problem will bring negative attention to the unit and out of poor leadership the leader will distance themselves in an attempt to let the Soldier fail in hopes of not being involved and having the higher Command focus solely on the Soldier. This is selfish and fool hearted. Senior leaders of sound character will see right through that leader as well as their selfish intent and failure to take care of Soldiers. And still yet, we have seen this more than a few times at all levels of our Army. We still fail our Soldiers.

Select Chains of Command and NCO Support Channels have in the past tried to side step the problem and silence Soldiers and their spouses in an effort to prevent “Big Army” from seeing the problem. Nine scandals out of ten are found out by Big Army and the American public anyway. As a caveat to that, Soldiers and Leaders at every level of the Army, as well as the American citizens, would view the Army better and respect its members if the problem was first admitted and then dealt with accordingly. However, everyone is so wrapped up in “not looking bad” that problems are hidden and then found out anyway and the military looks even more dishonest when it comes to light. This failure is on leaders as well as political entities placing pressure on higher commands to stifle bad publicity that arises from human problems in the military for fear that their political organization will be made to look bad or whatever reason. Again, Leaders and the American citizens will respect anyone far more if they stand up to the plate and admit , “Yes, this is a problem of ours and this is how we’re going to fix it” than someone/some organization that attempts to hide the issue. But political officials simple want to hang blame around the necks of our Senior Leaders rather than face reality: i.e. Sexual Assault. You cannot throw a uniform on someone with bad character and expect them to have integrity just because they enlisted into the Army. This goes back to society being a part of the problem. Kids growing up with one parent, no parental guidance, no developmental role models within the family during their upbringing, and the list can go on. You can even leave religion out of it even though many Christian faiths foster good morals and character. The point being, children raised with ethics and being taught right from wrong and held to a moral standard by parents and punished by parents when they do wrong will build the required character needed for genuine integrity. Yet our elected officials make up laws and tell parents, “You cannot spank your kids”. Abuse is wrong, but parents disciplining their children without hurting them is not abuse. Yet everyone wants to play the blame game and the same elected officials that said parents cannot discipline their children ask our Senior Commanders at the Pentagon: “Why have sexualassault/harassment incidents increased?” Its society and everyone wanting to be politically correct. America’s children are being let down and the hands of parents are tied by foolish laws. And people think that these same young citizens with poor character will be changed magically once they’re in the military and blame senior Army leaders for it  when nothing changes because some how they’re responsible for bad/criminal character. A criminal on the streets is still a criminal if you put them in uniform. They will possess very little or no integrity.

 Leader Trust and Soldier’s Problems: Soldiers come out of IET/OSUT Training with an inherent trust for their leaders at their new gaining unit even though they have never met those leaders.

Problems neglected by any level of the NCO Support Channel or Chain of Command is a leadership failure in the human aspect of leading. Unresolved problems will foster an environment of distrust and Soldiers cannot fully focus on their duties because of worry and doubt about their problems not being addressed or halfheartedly addressed. This effects the mission, can cause a void in security and, at the extreme end of the environment that combat arms units routinely operate in, can result in injury or death.

At home duty stations and deployed locations, a Soldiers problems are their respective leader’s problems. If a Soldier PCS’d to a new unit with unresolved problems, it becomes the problems of the leaders in that gaining unit.

The biggest Achilles heel for Army Leaders: Not addressing Soldier’s problems for concern or fear of negative publicity from the higher echelons of the Army. “Oh my OER/NCOER”.  “We cannot let the Division Command Group or Big Army know that this happened”. In so doing, this poor leadership response starts and cultivates subtle “Quid Pro Quo” efforts to keep Soldiers quiet until either the Soldier moves on to a new duty station or the leader moves on. Poor leaders use the ignorance of a Soldier regarding Army Regulations to manipulate them into getting what that leader wants.  The higher the level that this negative leader practice goes, the larger the problem gets. This is not taking ownership of your Soldiers. But again, political influence has crept in and placed pressure on Senior leaders at the highest levels.

Lastly, the checks and balances of the Army: Inspector General, JAG, CID may also fail to address Soldiers problems properly for the same concern/fear of negative publicity, depending on the issue or problem. Where can Soldiers go if the system is broken?

In closing, all leaders are human and have faults or short comings. I’m not perfect. After over 19 years as an Infantryman in active duty, there are still areas in my life that I need to improve upon. However, simply because there are no visible bench marks within my areas of needed improvement does not mean that I’ve given up or quit.

Political organizations need to back off, leaders need to get their intestinal fortitude back, take care of your Soldiers regardless of whomever sees or how high in the chain they perform their duties and take care of your Soldiers.  Build on America’s Army and other military services. We are failing and recognition of that is the only way that we can begin to fix it.

Very few rarely see the sacrifice leaders make in losing sleep, food, time with family. They stand quietly in the shadows and the machine runs smooth. Even when those of your brothers that stand to your left and right fight with you and die, at the end of this day, if no one died from your actions or lack of action on your part, then you've led well. Because those that you lead will die and perhaps you the leader as well, will fall. It's simply the nature of war. ...Leaders care for Soldiers. Period. No recognition, no fluff on your OER/NCOER bullets. It’s not about you or your career.

SFC David Hickman
HQ, First Army
Rock Island Arsenal
Rock Island, IL


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